Wednesday, July 6, 2011

June 6

We've been at our second school, St. Cyprians, for a couple of days. The kids are slowly coming around to us. The students are used to having the teacher ask a question and they all repeat the same answer. It's a little robotic. So here comes this white girl (they don't see whites very often) trying to get them to think for themselves. :) It's been great. I think they really enjoyed my lesson today on Solids, Liquids, and Gasses. They even sang my song!!
Tomorrow we are interviewing the parents of the student we have chosen to interview. I asked my teacher if any of the parents spoke English because it would be a lot easier to talk to them without translation. My little girl's name is Dorcas and she wants to become a doctor. She is very smart and soft spoken.
Tonight at our guest house the ladies in the kitchen taught us how to cook red-reds and plantains. I didn't care to much about learning how to make red-reds but I was very excited about plantains. It was very easy so hopefully I will get a chance to make them at home. The only difference they use palm oil to cook in.

July 6

Sorry I haven't posted anything. I have been feeling a little sick and I haven't had the energy to post, journal, and work on our writing project. I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! We are past the halfway point in the trip. I am counting down a little, but I know when it comes I will be sad. Next week we are traveling to the north. I pray the roads are good. We have also heard that it is hotter up there! Yuck! I have learned so much from this trip and more than ever am I thankful the world I live in.
I promise when I get home and have a better internet connection I will post a ton of pictures!
I want to say a special thank you to everyone who has prayed for our trip, my friends and family who I miss so much, my roommate who has helped me more than she knows, my neighbors for keeping at watchful eye....Thank you, Thank you! :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Faces of Africa

A friend of mine used some of my pictures and edited them to make a slide show. Here is the link
Enjoy! She did a wonderful job. Thanks Tiffany!!!!