Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1, 2011

Okay so 15 more days until I leave and I have started to freak out! I feel like there is so much to get done. Tomorrow is my last full day of school. Very sad to say goodbye to my kids. They have been an amazing class and I am going to miss them. I have always been blessed to have amazing kids in my class and it is hard for me to let them go on the last day. I am told this will pass, but I don't think it will for me. So back to my freaking out. I have made list to remind me of things not to forget. Why did I make this list... the items that are found on this list are usually the things I forget and we are talking about essential items to survive an overnight trip. I have major blonde moments sometimes. I am a little worried about leaving my life for 5 weeks. Thank goodness I have a great roommate who is majorly helping me out. My biggest fear about going is that something will happen and I wont be able to get back in time. Apart from that I am going to miss my family, my friends, and my dog. Thank goodness I have SKYPE to talk to everyone. Other superficial things I am going to miss include the first Johns Island tomato sandwich of the season (makes my mouth water just thinkin' of it) and the final Harry Potter movie (July 15th). I have seen every single movie the night/day it has come out. So to my Harry Potter friends I come home on July 25th and on the 26th we are going to the movies together! :-D

I hope I will be able to keep up the blog and show you all my adventures in Africa. Until next time...

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